Radiant Street Beast Program

SSAAP collects animals from off the streets in urbanized areas of Zambia and takes them home to the village, where we feed them, nurture them, love on them , and give them rabies shots, vitamins, antibiotics if necessary, and de-worming medications every three months.

If you are interested in supporting this program by purchasing some of the beautiful jewelry, please click on the link below!

Radiance has been making beaded/wire jewelry and selling the items in the States to generate income for medications and food for the animals while at the village, as well the man SSAAP hires who lives in Livingstone, Zambia to catch the street cats to give to us.

Radiance calculates the cost of her materials, then determines prices for each art item. Her original costs for each item indicated a loss, and so we worked together on the addition/subtraction alongside her sales receipts. She also has to budget how much the medications, food, and transportation of the animals from town up to our village. So far, in 2022, she has raised $72.77 toward her street cat adoption initiative.

Beaded wire earrings: $10

        Small tree pennants: $10

       Medium tree pennants: $13

      Large tree pennants: $16

If you are interested in this program, or in purchase of the jewelry that supports it, please contact us at ssaapafrica@gmail.com