Female’s Reproductive Health Program

$10/workshop of 20 participants

Female genital mutilation (FGM), or the removal of female body parts such as the labia majora, labia minora, and clitoris is a common practice in Sierra Leone: approximately 94% of women age 15 and older have undergone this procedure. The roots of this tribal practice (one exception: the Krio tribe) dig deeply into the foundation of Sierra Leonean society; it isn’t something that can be eradicated overnight, and certainly must be dealt with in terms of cultural sensitivity, as speaking about FGM in rural villages is considered taboo.

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Each meeting concerning Female Reproductive Health provides lunch for its attendees. Lunch costs for a group of 20 participants per workshop is $10.00. Additionally, the We’Moon of Wolf Creek, Oregon, USA has partnered with SSAAP in this female empowerment initiative. In-kind donations of notebooks, pens and pencils are always appreciated also.